St John's School


Upcoming Fundraising Events this term


Tortoise Tote Bag Sales

We will be continuing to sell tortoise tote bags at PTA events and in shops around the parish and hopefully outside M&S on a couple of Saturdays in order to raise enough money for the tortoise sculpture. 

If any parents did not get the chance to get a bag last term and would like one (or more) please email we still have lots to sell. 

PTA Movie Night which will be held on Friday 3rd November straight after school until 5pm. The cost will be £5 and will include children coming to school dressed in their onesies for that day, (please note even if you are not attending the movie night you can still come to school in your onesie and there is no cost) a small carton of apple and pear juice and a small bag of sweet and salty popcorn

We plan to show “Elemental” to children in Key Stage 1 and 2. This movie has a rating on Disney Plus of 6+. In purchasing a ticket for your child to attend, you accept that you are happy for them to watch the film. Children in Early Years (Nursery and Reception) will watch a series of shorter animations in Nursery and these will all be age appropriate.

Please can you confirm to your class rep by Tuesday 31st October if you would like your child to attend and they will collect the £5 and transfer the names and funds to the PTA for each class.

If your child has any dietary requirements regarding the food and drink being provided please email and we will look to provide an alternative.