St John's School

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club has now been up and running for a full academic year.

Breakfast Club is a self-funding provision are costings are reviewed annually, as with every new venture we have learnt a lot this year, so with this in mind we have made a few amendments for the next academic year September 2023.

We can accommodate 25 children at Breakfast Club and as such places will be allocated in the order they have been received; preference will be given to full time places. We always try to keep the cost as low as possible. We are mindful that the cost-of-living crisis has had a huge impact on all, but unfortunately with the increase of food costs we have had to raise our prices slightly to £3.00 per child per day from September 2023. As with last year sibling’s places will continue to be slightly reduced at £2.50.

You have the option to pay for Breakfast Club half termly, termly, or annually, however unless requested invoices will be sent out prior to each half term.

Breakfast Club is open to children from Year 6 to Nursery and is open from 07:45am until 08:30am and is run by Mrs Channing. 

The criteria for Breakfast Club are as follows: 

  • Pupils must be able to independently able to separate from parents/carers, as staff members are primarily there to serve breakfast.
  • Parents/Carers must sign up for set days each week, if not full time, then the days you have signed up to must be adhered too. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate random days.
  • Allocation of places is at the discretion of the Headteacher.
  • Requests for ad hoc, last minute places can only be agreed if there are exceptional circumstances. In these circumstances, please contact the school office on
  • Should you have any questions in relation to Breakfast Club please contact the School Office.

Please see below for our Terms and Conditions and to download an application form.